

I almost forgot!!

The quote o' the day...by the elusive R. Stevens.

"Wasting sarcasm is a sin."

(Does anyone know what Diesel Sweeties is?)

wednesday morning grocery store madness

I stopped at Rainbow on my way to work this morning to get some snacks and food to have at work. Ok. And even though I've completely used up my coffee money for the week, I got a Starbucks. I'm lovin' it.

At any rate. Two things about the grocery store on Wednesday morning.

First thing, there is, ALWAYS, a Little White Civic with a St. Thomas sticker on it in that parking lot. Always in the same spot. Since I have a fondness in my heart for LWC's, I always kind of smile when I see it. This morning, the person had left their lights on. Which, as a former owner of a LWC, I know that can result in a very very dead battery. Since the car is there every time I am there, I'm led to believe that it belongs to a Rainbow employee and well, that would suck to get out of work at 4 or whatever and have a very very dead battery. I went in and told the woman at the speedy checkout and she announced it, but the LWC's lights were still on when I left. Alas.

Second thing, I used the speedy checkout on my way out. Since there was someone behind me, I was hurriedly trying to get all my crap, plus the starbucks cup and not spill. I grabbed the receipt that fell from the little receipt thinger and ran. When I got to work, I looked at the receipt and literally laughed out loud. According to this receipt, I purchased Frisky Feline Favorites, and a shit ton of green grapes. Friends, I purchased none of these things. And I had to laugh. Frisky Feline Favorites. Someone's getting a treat today! :)

To work to work.


"do women's thoughts really scatter?"

And that is a line from a poem we had to read for class. I LOVE it. Love it. Because I think they do. At least mine do.

I took one small step for the women of Martin DePorres this weekend while I worked on Saturday. I took the hideous can of death (aka spray disinfectant/AIR FRESHENER) and threw it in the trash. I was careful to use a paper towel to pick it up lest I contract germs or leave any fingerprints as clues.

But alas, the green can reappeared today. And someone sprayed it, again, whilst I was in the bathroom. Now, I have a few clues as to who it may be, but like Laurie Notaro says in one of her short stories - "I may not know exactly who you are, but I know your ugly shoes!"

And according to the signage outside the State Fair, we are thanking Mary Kay for 23 years.

That's all I've got tonight folks.

Quote o' the day:
"Drama is life with the dull bits cut out." - Alfred Hitchcock


well isn't that nice

Ah the snow. After digging my car out last night, moving it twice at work today, I returned to my car at the end of the day, only to see that the huge snow drift that has been living on top of my car for the last couple of days had melted right down my windshield. That was fun. Funny.

And now I'm just glad to have some time to myself after the craziness that was last week and the weekend. This week should be less so...but they are also supposedly doing interviews this week, so wish me luck! I haven't been this nervous about something in a very long time and here's hoping it turns out all right.

There are myriad other things I could write about right now, but I'm just too behind on homework and too tired out to do it. Look for it later in the week.

Happy Monday!

Quote o' the day:

"But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." - Benjamin Franklin


burning rubber

MN. Gotta love the weather - today they were predicting the 'storm of the century' and when I woke up this morning to head to our event, the roads were not bad at all.

In fact they weren't really bad until I left for home at around 7 pm. I did fine until I got into my own parking lot and burned rubber trying to park my damn Canadian car. It got stuck and my sister had to come and push me into the spot. Nice.

At any rate, we didn't have many people at our event today, but we did have a good time at our celebratory happy hour. Definitely a good time. Figlio's $2 happy hour is a good time - because $10 later...well, you're really happy.

I don't have much to say, except that hopefully tomorrow will not bring more snow. Too much going on to get stuck in snow. I hate these late winter storms.

Time for homework!

Quote o' the day:

"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one." - George Bernard Shaw


the war of resumes...

Well, as most of you know, Colleen, my boss resigned her position at SMU and moved to Hamline. I'm really excited for her because it's a great opportunity.

It also presents me with a new opportunity, as I could have possibly been promoted to her position. After my meeting with the VP today, it so happens that they are posting the position. Advertising it to the outside world. I'm ok with that, really, I didn't feel any sense of entitlement just because I was the next logical choice. I didn't get my hopes up.

However. If there is one thing I hate - it's revising my resume. I'm really very proud of the layout of my resume and the way it looked and read.

However. Since I haven't changed it much from the original, I had to do a lot of adding and subtracting and with my layout - it makes it tricky. Oy. Can't it just stay the way it is?

At any rate, I am deliciously tired and think that sleep will be very good tonight. And tomorrow is finally Friday. TGIF.

Quote o' the day:

"You're never too old to become younger." - Mae West


i walk the line

So, my new musical obsession is the Walk the Line soundtrack. Yes, I know it's not actually Johnny Cash singing, and only Joaquin Phoenix, but he does a pretty good job, and I liked the songs. But, the thing I never realized was that "walk the line" is actually a love song. And somehow, that just makes the whole idea of 'walking the line' even more...romantic, for lack of a better word.

Tonight we had to read aloud in class. I read three 'nature' poems that were inspired by the beginning line of a poem we read that was 'I step outside' and I was pleasantly surprised at the reaction I got. I thought I'd post the one that seemed to get the best reaction. My love affair with North Dakota and Montana is inexplainable to most people, except for maybe my dad and any other people (Marts) that feel that strong gravitational pull that those prairies and mountains have. I've been away for far too long and am excited about the possibility of getting back there soon. At any rate...here it is. Completely untitled (I welcome suggestions for both a title and the poem if you have any!)

Prairie grasses and stalks of wheat
nod their heavy heads at me,
silky corn tassels toss their
blond tresses at me
saluting me.
I amble along
I-94, going west.

Sun stretches for miles
clouds dot the sky,
shadows moving swiftly
over the prairie floor.

Cows move
lumbering gracefully
slowly chewing grass.
Horses lay in pastures,
sleeping and watching.

Fields seem endless -
sky opens to heaven.
Vast expanses -

I drive,
the road worn with
its grooves from so many
that have gone before.

When I was finished reading, she asked me a question that I've never been asked before, which is one reason that I love this professor. She asked me if I felt like I was going ahead on my own or if I feel the weight of those that have gone before. Not a question I've ever really thought of and I think it's the latter. I do feel and think about all of the people - ancestors, strangers, friends, and family that have trod the paths I am on and the ways that I go. Anyone else care to think about that question? I'm interested to hear what others have to think.

And with that...I'm off to bed. I picked Naomi up at 6 AM at the airport this morning and it's been a long day, I've got a headache like you wouldn't believe and am so ready to get out and have some fun tomorrow night!

Quote o' the day:

"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live." - Flora Whittemore


the perfect way to end a crappy holiday

I have to admit. Valentine's Day is not my favorite. And as much as I would love to say it's because I hate all of the commercialism and not because I'm single, it's not. I always think it would be better somehow if I had someone special in my life to share it with. Even if we ended up going to McDonald's and watching something lame on TV - because it wouldn't matter what, it only matters who.

Ever since I was little, my mother has always made a big deal out of giving us Valentine's day treats, a small present or something. Last year we got a gift certificate for a deluxe car wash - practical and totally something that I'd never pay for. But this year, my sister was gone and I didn't get an early morning wake up from my mother. I forgot that it was Valentine's Day until some couple was being ooky on the radio. I deliberately did not wear pink and listened to Fiona Apple on my way into work. I was, as we say at work, a little bit crunchy today. Plus, I had chills all day and that didn't make it better. And when I got home, as I expectantly looked in my mailbox, and once I realized that there was nothing in there for me, I threw myself a pity party. I crawled into my bed, but then couldn't sleep, so that was kind of a bust too.

The only thing that has kept me feeling ok all day was that Storyhill was playing tonight and that I was going to see them. What's not to love? We got there late, the parking situation was horrendous and there were literally hordes of people standing in line. We had tickets, but SO many people. And then - they were all sitting on the freaking floor! I don't know how many of you have been to a concert at the Varsity - but it is NOT a sitting venue. You stand. Especially when there are that many people, you are courteous, stand and move so that more people can get in. I had my toes stepped on at least fifty times, had about four tall gropey couples in front of me (we got in towards the back where people were not sitting) and we were generally in a bad mood about it. But then the boys came on and there was so much love. Until during their fifth song, this crazy man was bopping around in the middle of the audience and finally went up on stage. We all thought he was a nutjob. But then he announces that he is the owner and that they are WAY over their legal capacity and that the fire marshall is kicking us all out. We got 'claim' checks that are supposed to be good to make it up.

ONLY FIVE SONGS. It was the strangest evening ever. So sad for the boys. They looked sad. And we were sad. Really a shame - you'd think they could have counted tickets more carefully and made sure that there weren't so many people. You'd think.

Two things made my day brighter. I got a cute kitty valentine from a coworker that made me smile and my sister called me from Hawaii. She was the only person that actually said, 'Happy Valentine's Day' to me today. Sure, she sounded kind of loaded and she's in freaking Hawaii, but I have to say, it made my night that she called. Sometimes, I forget how close we've gotten and how much I appreciate that.

So there you have it. The perfect way to end the crappiest holiday known to mankind. And to the hope that someday, I will be complaining about how I went to McDonald's on Valentine's Day. :)

Happy Valentine's Day, friends. I'm sending love and thoughts your way, along with the chocolate that is at my desk. Eat it up.

Quote o' the day (Valentine's edition):

"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up." -James Baldwin


two things

1. Today I wore a skirt to work. I am sick of wearing the same thing over and over again, and I thought it might be nice to wear something a little dressier. Apparently, I threw everyone's chi off by doing so. At least four people said to me, "You're wearing a skirt?" Yes, I am. I might even do it again. This amuses me on several levels. I didn't realize that I had become that girl that doesn't wear skirts. I didn't realize that my sweater and jeans mentality somehow transferred into my work wardrobe. I'm amused that people actually noticed enough to comment on it.

2. The taps at La Casita were broken tonight so we had to pay for bottles. Even though their taps were broken, they didn't offer any other specials in leiu of the $3 tall taps. Needless to say, there was some annoyance about that.

And that is my two cents. Or things, as the case may be.

Quote o' the day:

"None of us knows what the next change is going to be, what unexpected opportunity is just around the corner, waiting a few months or a few years to change all the tenor of our lives." - Kathleen Norris, Hands Full of Living


Terrific Tuesday

Today is the day that I remember why I love MN. Why? You might ask. Especially since it took me a freaking hour to get to work today and the roads were awful.


Because there is something awesome about the power that nature has. The frigid cold and snow that makes visibility little to nil. Something about waking up to snow falling just hard enough to make people slow down and pay attention to what they're doing. And that's something to reckon with, I think.

And because of the city. I'm in love, friends. I'm in love with our skyline. The way that as soon as I turn onto that road heading south, I can see it. When the sun is shining in the winter the bright rays of light bounce from building to building and the cold frost that stands out here and there, I am reminded of just how much that skyline is a part of me. Or when it rains and the shroud of clouds leave you straining to see the tops of the buildings peeking out from here and there. And today, when I couldn't see the city because of the snow, even once I was downtown, the buildings were still invisible to me, the snow swirling around in a frenzy as cars sat in lines of harsh metal, there was still a softness to the morning. Something terrific happens when it snows, and I can't explain it quite well enough to do it justice.

That skyline is my touchstone. I somehow feel more grounded when I can see it, and when it's not so visible, I feel the tiniest bit disappointed and lost. It's the high point of my bad days and even on the snowiest, rainiest, muggiest days, I can smile when I see those buildings. I hope that you can all appreciate it as much as it deserves. Think on it.

On a completely different tangent, I really enjoyed my class tonight - I think it is going to be fantastic. Tons of work, but fantastic. The prof is amazing - she truly loves writing and loves to teach and that's not something you can fake. Plus, she lives for quotations. So expect some really great ones that will trump even this Robert Frost phase I'm in. More on this to come, I'm sure.

AND...if you haven't heard Patty Griffin, you should run... RUN and buy her new CD. It's amazing. So much love for Patty arriving in my mailbox today. I think the guy in the car next to me on my way to class thought I was having a seizure I was so excited about this CD. The jury is still out on the new Norah Jones CD, however...I will keep you posted.

And that's all I've got for now. Sleep tight!

Quote o' the day:

"I always entertain great hopes." - Robert Frost


the evasion of sleep continues...

I should be sleeping. But alas, I am wide awake - so I thought I'd post a few thoughts. Just so no one has to go through withdrawal again. ;)

1. I start a new class tomorrow - I have that whole, first day of school anticipation going on right now. I'm nervous about the new people, as I always am. I'm nervous about my writing, and nervous about the massive stack of books I have to read for it. I am desperately hoping they are good.

2. I was a spazz tonight with cleaning, organizing and went gangbusters on the treadmill again. Here's hoping that 3 miles doesn't come back to haunt me tomorrow. I'm sure it will.

3. I am super excited for new books and new CD's to arrive in the mail. It's really exciting to get that email from amazon saying that my items have shipped. :)

4. I want to accomplish so many things this week that I think I shall make myself dizzy. But in a good way.

5. The Colts won!! (I don't think I've been able to tell you who won the Superbowl since....well, since ever.)

I have a lot of thoughts swirling about in my mind at the moment, but those are the only ones I want to share. :)

Quote o' the day:

"Beauty is not caused. It is." - Emily Dickinson


coffee at 10 p.m. is a bad idea

Marta and I went to see "Because I said So" tonight - the late show. And because it's so freaking cold out, we got a cup of coffee before. Well, she got tea and I got coffee. Now, not only am I completely punchy tired, but wide awake at the same time. Gotta love that.

The movie was pretty good. Totally a chick flick, but definitely had funny moments. I don't think it should have gotten all the bad reviews it got! Diane Keaton keeps playing the same character now and that's maybe a little sad. I think she's a good actress, but is stuck in that niche now. Somethings's Gotta Give and this movie are very similar, I think.

But I did not set out to write a movie review at 12:30 a.m. Not at all.

And, in case you didn't already know, coffee at 10 p.m. is a bad idea.

Quote o' the day:

"Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense." - Robert Frost


that was the opposite

of what I needed

This morning, as I was driving into work, yes the traffic was horrific, yes I was crabby and glad it was Friday, but MPR was playing Debussy's "Reverie." For those that aren't familiar - it's a beautiful, dreamlike piano piece that really is what the name implies. And as I drove on the winding road between the cemetery and the golf course by my house, there were sun dogs. Rainbows in the sky, with the "Reverie" playing and suddenly, I found myself smiling. Even in the midst of what hasn't been the greatest week and the crappy traffic, I was actually happy in my car. (For those that have driven with me, you know that this is rare!)

But then on my way home, I witnessed an accident, and many other near accidents. People were driving like maniacs and it was snowy and cloudy. Not to say I want it to be cloudy on my way in, but the sun dogs on my way home would have been perfect.

At any rate, I've got lots of plans this weekend and I'm excited. Fluffy girl movies, coffee and shopping - what could be better?!

Happy Friday!

Quote o' the day:

"Music is the expression of the movement of the waters, the play of curves described by changing breezes." - Claude Debussy