
taking the long way around...

Tomorrow I will officially be another year older.

What, might you ask, have I done in that year of time? Sometimes, I can't even answer that question, yet I feel like I need to write something down that marks the 25th year of my life. It's been a year worth noting, many interesting things happened to me, many good things, and thankfully, not too many bad things. I won't bore you all with the details, only to say this - I finally am at a point where I feel like a 'grown-up.'

Driving home the other day, I realized that this is indeed my home and my parents home is no longer my house. It's my neighborhood and my car, my bed, my kitchen, and strange as it is - this is something that has only recently occurred to me. I guess I never really felt like I left home - like I was away on some vacation or at college. But after two years, it's sunk in that there is no 'going home again.' To quote the storyhill boys, "Can you ever go home again?"

I'm not sure you can - and I certainly can't rewind the last year, so I shall put more effort into making this next year even better, hopefully with less mistakes, less craziness and more time to do things that I actually want to do.

That being said - this weekend was fabulous with a dinner at Sawatdee (love the green curry), ice cream cake with my parents, a Twins game and HARRY POTTER! (Yes, I read the entire book on Saturday...I'm a fast reader - don't judge.)

And now, I should get some sleep - because at the end of this very long and drawn out week, I am going on VACATION. And I want to be able to enjoy that, and not be sleep deprived.

Quote o' the day:

"Sooner or later we all discover that the important moments in life are not the advertised ones, not the birthdays, the graduations, the weddings, not the great goals achieved. The real milestones are less prepossessing. They come to the door of memory." - Susan B. Anthony