
I've learned to listen through silence

Welcome back friends.

I haven't written anything here for a two and a half months. I haven't really written anything for that matter. So I've decided, from Marta's suggestion, to do Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. Apparently it is 12 weeks long and that should take me all summer. Anyone want to join me?

Many exciting and not exciting things have happened in the last two months, so I'll spare you all the boring details, except that I went to Denver and had a surprising realization. I'm not the same person I was in high school! Not really that surprising, but a good thing to notice, all the same.

According to my sister, the environmentalist, we're at least ten days behind our normal schedule of the seasons. Which means many things, such as loons congregating on Lake Harriet, birds that came back too early having nothing to eat, a slushy fishing opener and spring buds that are just now starting to pop out. Along our street, there's a park that looks pretty crappy until it starts to green up. The ice rink is a gigantic puddle of mud and insects, until one day, there's a beautiful field of dandelions. My dad always taught me to pick the heads off these pesty flowers until there were none left. That said - there's nothing, to me, at this moment, more beautiful than a bright yellow patch of dandelions in the cool spring morning with mists rising off of them. Standing outside on a cloudy evening, wishing for a glass of water and feeling those drops of rain hit your head and bare toes makes me yearn for summer all the more.

I want to be able to swim in our cul de sac that doesn't exist anymore and I want seasons to be definable again. Is that too much to ask?

Drop me a note and let me know how all of you are doing, ok? I miss you all.

Quote o' the day:

"I would rather be a coward than brave because people hurt you when you are brave." - E.M. Forster