
my friends, my habits, my family, they mean so much to me

Again - from a song.

See if you can guess. Hint - it's not from what I'm currently listening to.

I haven't blogged in awhile, mostly due to the major craziness with work. Yes friends, it's true. I got to take crazy boss' place! They offered me the job straight up, which was what I wanted them to do. Now I've got a little bit of a - oh my god, what did I do - thing going on, but this too, shall pass.

After our class last week, I now know what I want to do when I grow up. I want to be an editor or work at a small publishing press. However, since most of these people are in it for life and LOVE it, someone would have to die for me to get a job at one of these coveted places.

We visited Graywolf Press and got to meet four of their eight employees. They talked, we listened, we toured and were told to take a book. Just pick one. Take it right out of their review copy storeroom stash. This, friends, is precisely why I took this seemingly stupid class this semester and I'm positively thrilled and actually looking forward to class this week.

It also makes me wonder how people that are not much older than I am manage to land spectacularly cool and awesome jobs like that. But then again, my job is pretty sweet now too.

And on that note, I'm off to bed since I have decided that I want to be AT work by 7:30 tomorrow. But first, I'm writing a response paper on book buying experiences. Wahoo.


where my soul once stood

I am in disbelief about how many people have not heard of or read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

Last week, our first week of class, we had to say what our favorite book is. I had a moment of total panic/forgetfulness/spazziness and totally forgot. Then I proceeded to run on at the mouth for about 5 minutes and now the whole class thinks I'm crazy, for sure.

But in reality, my favorite book of all time is the afore mentioned tree growing in Brooklyn. And surprisingly, many people have not read it/heard of it. And this makes me sad to no end. It is a fabulous book and one of only three that Betty Smith published. So go. Go and read it.

For those who might be curious, and even if you don't care - most of the time, my blog titles are song lyrics. If you can guess right - you might get a cookie.

All right - I'm tired and it's going to be a long two more days of the week - I swear that in my mind, it's already November.

Quote o' the day:

"We do what we must, and call it by the best names." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)


all these vanishing points...

Right now I'm supposed to be reading a book called "So Many Books: Reading and Publishing in an Age of Abundance," and writing 500 words on my reaction.

So far, my reaction is to be completely ADD and not be anywhere near finishing the book.

And because it is FALL, friends.

The air is crisp, I snuggle up to my cats, homemade soup and biscuits actually sound good and taste better. Leaves turn colors, my mom makes apple pies, I can break out my collection of sweaters and fun socks, and my down comforter is actually useable. Barley John's has bonfires at night and once a week I get to meet intelligent people and talk to them about things that matter to me. And even though my hair has to be this ridiculously long for another week and a half, I am happy that the humidity has vanished. Photos of a new hairstyle forthcoming in a couple of weeks!

I've finally finished my summer project, Hamline's student literary magazine, rock, paper, scissors. I was on the design team and did most of layout. I met some really awesome people and I can't believe that we will have a finished product soon! Stay tuned for information on the launch party.

All right...I need to go and get on with reading about too many books. Which I still think is impossible. Hmm...maybe I have the start to my paper?

Too many things to do!

Quote o' the day:

"Silent gratitude isn't very much use to anyone." - Gertrude Stein, US author in France (1874 - 1946)


turn yourself around, you weren’t invited

I have not blogged in forever. I just haven't had that much to say.

However, in the last month, the following things have happened.

1. They fired my boss - yippee!
2. I slightly seperated my shoulder playing softball. It still hurts.
3. I had a flat tire that cost a bundle to fix because when I hit the pothole that caused my hubcap to fly off, it also so severely dented my rim that my tire has been leaking air for the last two months. And I drove to Montana on that tire. Fantastic. So I had to replace the rim AND the tire.
4. I started class again and had to pay $30 for a $10 book because the prof seems a little disorganized and did not order any of our books ahead of time.
5. I got tickets to see Sir Ian McKellan at the Guthrie (that's actually a positive thing as well).

So that's me in a nutshell. I'm sure I will have more blogs forthcoming, but for now, I need to ease myself back into the school year and normality. I need routine, people. I don't do well without it. I spend too much money and eat out too much (thereby getting a little bit chubby).

At least my dress for Anna's wedding still fits.


Quote o' the day (oh I bet you all are so excited!!):

"A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her." - Oscar Wilde, Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet (1854 - 1900)