
your best intentions may not be enough

77 degree weather. Barley John's patio, beer, appetizers and the smell of the bonfire, which gets into your hair, your clothing and permeates until you wash it out, and that smell that drifts into our house. The smell of springtime, rotting leaves from under the snow for all this time and the smell of greenery blooming for the first time since last spring. Walking outside in March with a t-shirt and leaving your window open at night. Driving in the sunshine with the windows open and eating on a patio twice in one day. The soreness in your limbs from actually running outside on hills and pavement instead of in your basement on a flat surface. Birds during the day (hello robins!) and bats at night swooping for insects over the nearly melted ice skating rink. And BASEBALL!

Today was, in a nutshell, amazing and if the weather keeps up like this, I shall have no choice but to be cheerful, bright and shiny.

Happy Monday.

Quote o' the day:

"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." - Rogers Hornsby


chalk it up to fakeness

I did a TON of laundry today before our second concert of the weekend. We have one of those fake wooden drying racks that everyone has, I think, from Target and it's fabulous. Well, it was fabulous until today when I had hung three or four shirts on it and the whole thing just sort of collapsed. I should have seen it coming, since parts of it have been loose for a long time. But man - the worst day to have that happen. So I went and bought a new one. I tell you - get the expandable one with the mesh flat drying optional thinger. It's AWESOME.

Yes, there is a day when I am excited about drying racks. That day was today.

Then I proceeded to get myself extremely lost on my way to the orchestra concert, since it was at a place we don't normally play at. And I curse those signs that tell you what city you are in - they are deceiving! I had to call my dad and I was angry, late and on the verge of tears, telling him that I was going to be late, so why should I stop somewhere so he could direct me out of there? Extremely irrational, but we got me to where I needed to be and I made it through the concert.

And now I'm trying to do my assignment for Tuesday since tomorrow night is the make-up Storyhill concert. There are no words for how excited I am. All I can say that is if the fire marshall shows up again, I'm chaining myself to one of the boys. Ok, maybe not, but I will be extremely mad.

And now time for bed.

Quote o' the day:

"There is no feeling, except the extremes of fear and grief, that does not find relief in music." - George Eliot


from a long line of drinkers and dreamers

St. Patty's day and I had orchestra. An Italian concert on St. Patrick's day. And had Mexican food at my parents house. I was multicultural today. We did, however, play an impromptu version of "O Danny Boy" at the very end of our concert. It was great. Ha.

And now we're heading out to get our Irish on for a bit. I'm not Irish. Not in the slightest, but my great grandma's second husband was Irish. Does that count?

Tonight I'm determined to forget the stress of the week, forget that in the next week life could possibly change drastically, forget the idiots that are men and forget all of the external shit that doesn't really matter in the long run and have a good time with some friends. And that's all I've got to say about that.

Happy St. Patty's day.

Quote o' the day:

"Too long a sacrifice/ Can make a stone of the heart." - William Butler Yeats


it's boyfriend season

So I've been meaning to write about this for awhile and keep putting it off. Colleen and I have talked about how everytime you log off of MySpace, there's an ad for "TRUE" with men that have extreme photoshopped eyes and it says - "it's boyfriend season."

What exactly is 'boyfriend season?' I'd LOVE to know. Because if there is such a thing, then I am WAY behind. I mean, do they all come out at one time, like deer or pheasants or trout? Is there a specific time that one might have better luck ensnaring one of the male sex? If so, then why in God's name have I had so many bad dates? I must not be looking in the right forest...and I must not have the right equipment. I mean, during boyfriend season, one must have to wear special clothing and special scents - our own special salt lick, our own bait! And I certainly don't have a boyfriend camp set up. I must work on this...

And where are all the men with green eyes? They are apparently out there in droves.

Quote o' the day:

“I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.” - Anais Nin


oreo madness

You know how when you buy a bag of Oreos you tell yourself you won't eat them so fast? Just one at a time. And then you sit down, and in five minutes you've eaten five cookies. You go to put the bag away and then you stand and eat three more. Soon you've eaten half the bag before you've even put them away.

Then you get them out again and you tell yourself you'll only eat one as dessert, with some milk or as a snack. And pretty soon the whole bag is gone.

And then you tell yourself you'll never buy Oreos again. Until your roommate buys them and leaves them out for you to eat. And then you eat the rest of the half eaten bag.

(Ok, so I didn't actually eat an entire half bag of Oreos...but I'm mad at Naomi for buying them. Because they are sitting on the counter, taunting me. And it's really hard to eat just one. This is also why I don't buy Girl Scout cookies. Evil.)

Quote o' the day:

"Health food may be good for the conscience but Oreos taste a hell of a lot better." - Robert Redford


never again...

My sister and I watched SuperSize Me this weekend and I officially will never eat at McDonald's again. It's probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen - in that weird, really fascinating way. I've heard lots of different stories about Morgan Spurlock and the making of the movie, and who knows what's true and what's not. What I can tell you, is - never again.

I'm off to read more about post-modernist fictional realism.

Quote o' the day:

"The more things change, the more they remain... insane." - Michael Fry and T. Lewis, Over the Hedge, 05-09-04


snow in my boots and in my car


Technically we were open at noon, however, my little Canadian Corolla got stuck, yet again. Maybe I'm just not good at maneuvering in the large snow drifts, or maybe it's because they wait forever to plow our place and that's lame. I also remembered that I needed to drive up to CR to the clinic - let me tell you, that was a trip. Visibility was next to nothing, because the snow has started up again and my windshield wipers are crap.

And then my car got stuck again when I got home and tried to park. I had to hoof the snow out of the way and as a result, major snow in my hiking boots and in my car.

Even with all my griping about the snow, there's something fun about the way that our sidewalk is becoming a tunnel and the huge piles of snow everwhere I go. I think we're making up for the last couple of snowless months.

With all the snow, I get a little bombarded with memories of when I was younger. Memories of snow days when my whole family would stay home, eat popcorn and watch movies. These days were always a little bit more special than other times we'd spend together, because there's something magical about the fact that you can't go anywhere. Memories of snow pants and sledding down the 'Knox' hill (I don't think it's there anymore...I don't even think Knox exists anymore), and memories of hot cocoa, warming houses and building snow forts. Once, Alison and I built an entire house in my front yard. Not with a roof, mind you, but at least four rooms with beds, couches and chairs, etc. It was awesome.

I miss being a kid sometimes.

Quote o' the day:

"I can believe anything, provided that it is quite incredible." -Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891


snow day!

Today was exciting. I went to a multicultural marketing conference in St. Paul where everytime we looked outside it was whiteout conditions or not snowing at all, the guy that ran the conference (the M.C.) obviously either smokes a lot of pot or had just smoked pot, or else he thought he was a comedian with the shakes and the presentations went way longer than they were supposed to. The conference was really quite good, and I learned a lot - aside from one presenter who was clearly there to sell his agency.

At any rate, it was a good time and afterwards Sarah and I met Steve at the Liffey for a drink. Because normally, they have a kick ass happy hour. But not today, because there were the State Wrestling Tournaments going on in the Xcel Center. No happiness for them! Walking to and from the Liffey was entertaining at most, since we both had work shoes on and Fisher had no socks on. Silly girl.

After my white knuckle drive home, it was established it is officially a snow day. If you were to open our front door right now, the snow would probably come into our house. Awesome.

The best part? Feeling like a kid again, watching the scrolling school closing announcements on the news. I bet my dad is happy - no school for him tomorrow or most of the metro. But, of course, we are probably the only university in the state/metro area that is not closed yet tomorrow. All of the school districts around me are closed and we shall see what the roads are like when I get up. It may be a snow day after all. I think I feel a snow fever coming on!


Quote o' the day:

"the listener, who listens in the snow,
And, nothing himself, beholds
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is." - Wallace Stevens