
I'll be the one to break my heart

A few random things about this week.

My left blinker cuts into my radio every time I use it. It either didn't bother me before, or else I just didn't notice it. It's extremely annoying.

Today, I had meeting with my financial 'guy' and in the course of our meeting, we were discussing work, etc., and it was amazing. Amazing because even though I have days, weeks, even, where I wonder what the hell I'm doing with work and wonder if I'm even any good at it, and wonder sometimes, if I even like it - but during that hour, I realized that I do like my job. I may not know exactly what I'm doing, but I'm happy with where I am. I love spending time with my friends and my family and that generally, I don't 'want' anything else right at this moment. (This is sounding eerily like something I wrote awhile ago, sorry to be repetitive, but this seems to be a topic lately!)

I know we all wish we were maybe a little more this or a little more that. We wish we weren't single or we wish we'd waited to get married and have kids. We might wish we had more of this or more of that. And I'm no different with regards to those things, but it was nice to be reminded that if I did die tomorrow, I pretty much have lived the way that I've wanted to. Sure, I've still got things I want to do, but I think that no matter what age you die, you still have things you want to do.

My sister and I have been watching "Six Feet Under" and I do admit to being skeptical to it at first, but I'm completely hooked now and I think that's maybe why I've been so introspective lately. That and the fact that my class demands that I think that way. At any rate, if you've not watched it, put it on your Netflix!

Back to work.

Quote o' the day:

"To fall in love is easy, even to remain in it is not difficult; our human loneliness is cause enough. But it is a hard quest worth making to find a comrade through whose steady presence one becomes steadily the person one desires to be." -Anna Louise Strong (1885 November 24–1970 March 29, American Journalist)


when you get sober, will you get kinder?

I am in a quarrel. I'm in a quarrel with Minnesota. Specifically, winter in Minnesota. I'm sure you will all remind me of how much I loved the snow back in November, but now, I'm done. I'm tired of walking gingerly around in parking lots, at the sign of any icy patch. I'm tired of shrink-wrap on my windows, cold feet and scraping off my window in the morning. I'm tired of the snowbank that surrounds the car that my neighbors won't move, and subsequently, I slide around on, trying to get into my car. I'm tired of melting and freezing, salt on my car and salt on my shoes and pant hems. I want to wear springy clothes and sandals and be outside. Winter is officially over in my mind, so Minnesota better catch up.

I also think that Monday nights are bad nights to go to the grocery store. No bananas and no Grape Nuts! Plus tons of U of MN students. Does anyone know what tangelos taste like?

Happy Monday and 3rd of March, kids.

Quote o' the day:

"There are three reasons for becoming a writer: the first is that you need the money; the second that you have something to say that you think the world should know; the third is that you can't think what to do with the long winter evenings." - Quentin Crisp (English Author, 1908-1999)