
things I love...

have grown on me.
They're the things I've nestled into.

(Storyhill, Things I Love)

-Watching the big snowflakes fall just when you thought it was doomed to be brown and gloomy all winter
-Seeing a friend that you know you've missed, but haven't realized how much until you hear their voice or see them for the first time in a long time
-the familiar touch of someone you love, a hand on the small of your back just when you were feeling the need for human contact
-settling into a cup of coffee and good conversation with a friend
-watching the world go by as you sit and rest
-music that moves your emotions
-the possibility, thought and knowing that you are loved

These are things I love - and somehow forget from time to time. Maybe it's time to take some time and remember these things, friends.

Quote o' the day:

"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life." - Burton Hills

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